$\color {#f8809b} \texttt {Major}$ major name
$\color {#f8809b} \texttt {School Work: Weekly To Do}$
$\color {#f8809b} \texttt {Calendar}$
$\color {#f8809b} \texttt {Media}$
To edit the pink text, you need to click on it and put the text you want into the brackets
you can also change the color with the hex code
$\color {#f8809b} \texttt {Text}$
Hex codes used:
Light Pink: FFD3DE
Dark Pink: F8809B
(You'll need to make your own widgets to change time zone, location, color, etc with the websites below)
For the widgets:
https://widgetbox.app/dashboard/create (clock, weather)
https://indify.co/ (for planet clock, countdown, percentage)
Feel free to change anything you want, you can change the color of the widgets, etc
The table above the calendar is linked to the tables in the class pages